Constipation is a ordinary disorder of the digestive region. In this situation, the bowels do not move frequently, or are not entirely emptied when they move. This state is the chief source of a lot of diseases as it produces toxins, which find their way into the bloodstream and are passed to all parts of the body.


Constipation Causes:

Constipation can result from a number of factors such as poor diet or lack of fiber, inadequate fluid intake, style of living or as the result of certain medications.

Possible Causes of Constipation

  1. A diet low in fiber (lacking whole grains, bran, fresh fruit and vegetables)
  2. Insufficient intake of liquids such as water or juice
  3. An inactive lifestyle
  4. Poor bowel habits such as ignoring the urge to have bowel movements
  5. Stress
  6. Consumption of meat in large quantities, excessive use of strong tea and coffee, inadequate chewing, overeating and wrong combination of foods, irregular habits of eating and drinking May all give to poor bowel function.
  7. Medications such as painkillers (especially codeine), antacids, antispasmodic drugs, antidepressants or iron tablets
  8. Medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), spinal injury, multiple sclerosis, kidney failure, colon or rectal cancer, too much calcium in the blood, tumors and lesions of the bowel
  9. faulty and irregular habit of defecation, frequent use of purgatives, weakness of abdominal muscles due to sedentary habits, lack of physical activity, and emotional anxiety and strain.
  10. Habitual use of laxatives and enemas (leading to a rebound effect) * Changes in the environment
  11. Mature age - older adults often suffer from constipation due to a combination of poor diet, insufficient fluids, poor bowel habits or the side effects of prescription medication
  12. Pregnancy - hormonal changes and pressure on the bowel by the heavy womb can cause prolonged constipation which can in turn result in the development of anal fissures or hemorrhoid.

Constipation Symptoms:

The most common symptoms of constipation are infrequency, irregularity or difficulty in elimination of the hard facial matter.

The other symptoms include

  1. Coated tongue
  2. Foul breath
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. headache
  5. Dizziness
  6. Dark circles under the eyes
  7. Depression
  8. Nausea
  9. Pimples on the face
  10. Ulcer in the mouth
  11. Constant fullness in the abdomen
  12. Diarrhea alternating with constipation
  13. Varicose veins
  14. Pain in the lumbar region
  15. Acidity
  16. Heart burn
  17. Insomnia.

There are various ways to prevent constipation and they include:

  1. Add high fiber foods such as whole grain breads, bran cereal, dried fruit, raisins, fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet.
  2. Drink plenty of liquids such as water, fruit juices, hot tea or lemon water to stimulate the bowels.
  3. Food must be properly chewed. Hurried meals and meals at odd times must be avoided.
  4. Ginger tea is an effective home remedy for constipation (for babies opt for homeopathic remedies instead of herbal ones).
  5. Regular exercise such as walking or swimming everyday can help to both prevent and relieve constipation.
  6. Avoid regular use of laxatives or enemas.
  7. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, processed and junk food if you are suffering from constipation.
  8. Stool softeners taken daily may also prevent constipation.
  9. Increase your intake of magnesium by taking supplements or eating foods such as nuts, seeds or green leafy vegetables.
  10. Practice regular bowel habits by visiting the toilet for at least ten minutes after breakfast even if you are unable to have a bowel movement. The best time is usually the first hour after breakfast. Done regularly this will help to set up a healthy bowel routine.


Constipation Home Remedies:

  1. Eating a Harad (Terminalia chebula, hartaki) everyday helps to over come Constipation.
  2. Taking a spoon of Triphala (Triphala is composed of Hard (Haritaki), Indian gooseberries (Amla) and Bejada (Bibhitaki) every night before going to bed helps to clear the stomach next morning and cures Constipation problem.
  3. Normally all fruits, except banana and jackfruit, are useful in the treatment of constipation. Certain fruits are, however, more useful. Bael fruit is regarded as the finest of all laxatives. It cleans and tones up the bowels. Its normal use for two or three months throws out even the old accumulated faecal matter. It must be rather taken in its original form and before dinner. About sixty grams of the fruit are enough for an adult. One of the good home remedies for constipation.
  4. Massaging the stomach everyday night with Mustard (Sarson) oil helps to cure Constipation problem.
  5. Eating Lentil (Masoor dal) regularly helps to clear the stomach and cures Constipation problem.
  6. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day preferably hot water in the morning helps to cure Constipation.
  7. Pears are useful in the treatment of constipation. Patients suffering from chronic constipation must accept an exclusive diet of this fruit or it's juice for a few days.
  8. Eating Watermelon (Tarbooj) regularly for few days helps to cure Constipation problem.
  9. Drinking raw Spinach juice (palak) for few days gives permanent relief from Constipation.
  10. Eating a ripe Fig (Anjeeer) in the night or 5 dried figs boiled with Milk taken before going to bed helps to overcome Constipation.
  11. Eating a ripe papita (papaya) before going to bed gives relief from Constipation problem.
  12. Grapes have proved very helpful in overcoming constipation. The combination of the properties of the cellulose, sugar, and organic acid in grapes build them a laxative food.
  13. Eating one raw Onion with every meals helps to cure Constipation problem.
  14. Radish (Muli) taken with Salt and Black pepper (kali mirch) clears the stomach and gives relief from constipation.
  15. Hot water with Lemon juice taken in the night gives relief from Constipation.
  16. Using Garlic (Lehsun) regularly in cooking helps to get relief from Constipation.
  17. Orange is also beneficial in the constipation treatment. Taking one or two oranges at bedtime and again on increasing in the morning is an excellent way of stimulating the bowels.
  18. Taking Guava (Amrud) with seeds provides roughage to diet and it act as a laxative in the intestine. It should be taken only before meals to get relief from Constipation.
  19. Tomato is also said to be very good for constipation which helps in cleaning the stools which are sticking in the intestine.
  20. Using Fenugreek leaves (Menthi) in meals also helps to reduce Constipation.
  21. Eating 250 grams of Fresh Carrot (Gajar) everyday helps to increase appetite and reduce Constipation.
  22. Drinking wheat grass juice regularly helps to overcome constipation problem.
  23. Bitter gourd (karela) juice taken regularly or eating Bitter gourd helps to overcome constipation problem.
  24. Eating a spoon of powdered Aniseed (Sauf) with hot water in the night helps to cure Constipation.
  25. Using Amaranth (Cholayi) regularly in meals also helps to overcome Constipation.
  26. Buttermilk (Chach) taken with Carrom seeds (Ajwain) helps to overcome Constipation.
  27. Drinking 2-3 drops of Castor oil (Erand) with Milk in the night helps to overcome Constipation.
  28. A Spoon of Ginger juice boiled with water taken regularly helps to overcome Constipation.
  29. Eating raw Cabbage (patta gobi) everyday helps to overcome Constipation.
  30. Drinking hot milk with Flea seeds (Isabgol) in the night helps to overcome Constipation.
  31. Taking Half spoon of Black pepper powder mixed with pure Ghee which helps the stick stool to loosen. Later drink hot milk which helps to clear and stomach and cure Constipation.
  32. Eating Grapes everyday also helps to overcome Constipation.
  33. Eating Bael fruit or drinking Bael juice everyday helps to overcome Constipation as Bael is a good laxative and having more cooling effect on the body.
  34. Sprouted Green gram (Moong) is a good remedy to relieve from constipation.
  35. Eat one ripe Banana before going to bed everyday to avoid constipation.
  36. Ripe Banana pulp mixed with Curd taken everyday helps to get relief from Constipation.
  37. Eating a ripe Mango after meals helps to get relief from Constipation.
  38. Eating raw Beetroot everyday helps to overcome Constipation.
  39. Few drops of Castor oil mixed with a spoon of Lemon juice taken in the night helps to cure constipation.
  40. 1 Cup lime juice water could be taken early morning.
  41. Drink Juice made of Neem leaves now and then to fight with Constipation. The Tickt rasa in the leaves is proved beneficial for indigestion.
  42. Dry the leaves of Peepal tree in the shade and powder them. Make pills using adequate amount jaggery and anise solutions with water. Take this pill with warm milk at bed time.
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