Anaemia may be defined as a condition in which there is a decrease in the quantity of haemoglobin or in the number of red cells. Anaemia is among the most common ailments affecting human beings. Nearly half the blood flowing in our veins and arteries consists of red blood cells which carry oxygen to the tissues. Approximately one trillion or 100 million new blood cells are formed daily in the bone marrow. The raw materials required in the production of these cells are iron, proteins, and vitamins, especially folic acid and B12. Of these, iron and proteins are essential in building up the red colouring matter called haemoglobin. A red cell has a lifespan of approximately one hundred and twenty days and is then destroyed and replaced. Each person should have about 15 gm of haemoglobin per 100 ml of blood, and a blood count of approximately five million red cells per millimetre of blood.

Most commonly, people with anemia report non-specific symptoms of a feeling of weakness, or fatigue, general malaise and sometimes poor concentration. They may also report dyspnea (shortness of breath) on exertion. In very severe anemia, the body may compensate for the lack of oxygen-carrying capability of the blood by increasing cardiac output. The patient may have symptoms related to this, such as palpitations, angina (if preexisting heart disease is present), intermittent claudication of the legs, and symptoms of heart failure.


Anemia Causes:

  1. diminished formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow, either due to defects in the bone marrow, or due to an inadequate intake of iron, vitamins, and proteins, is one of the main causes of anaemia.
  2. Anemia occurs as a result of too much blood loss from the body, decreased red blood cell production or when the body has problems producing red blood cells. This can also occur when red blood cells are broken down or are destroyed faster than the body can replace them with new ones.
  3. There are also different types of anemia: iron deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency anemia, and anemia of chronic disease, as well as aplastic anemia, anemia associated with bone marrow disease, hemplytic anemia and sickle cell anemia.
  4. Anaemia can also occur due to a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is needed for digestion of iron and proteins, or intestinal parasites or worms. Hookworms, pinworms, round worms and tape worms feed on the supply of blood as well as on the vitamins. This is one of the most common causes of anemia in infants and children. Anemia in children symptoms are not always noticeable and so it is advisable that regular check-ups be conducted to avoid further conditions from occuring.


Symptoms of anemia:

  • Fatigue
  • shortness of breath
  • weakness
  • light headedness
  • looking pale

    Symptoms of severe anemia may include:

    1. chest pain, angina, or heart attack
    2. fainting or passing out
    3. dizziness
    4. rapid heart rate


    Tips to prevent anemia:


    There are certain things that you can do to prevent an iron deficiency and these include:

    1. Eat foods that are rich in iron such as lean red meat, fish, oysters, cereals, bread, pasta, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, lentils, beans and dark green vegetables such as spinach
    2. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea as they make it harder for the body to absorb iron
    3. Incorporate fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C such as orange juice into your diet
    4. Get enough sleep and rest as possible to combat fatigue
    5. Increase your intake of iron supplements such as folic acid and vitamin B12 if you are pregnant, have a heavy menstrual cycle, or if you are a vegetarian or vegan


    Home Remedies for Anemia:


    1. Eat lot of green vegetables especially leafy vegetabiles like Spinach (palak) Fenugreek (Menthi) Carrot Amaranth )Red Cholayi) and Beetroot which are rich in folic acid.Go for citrus fruits like Orange,Sweet lime (Mosambi) which are rich in vitamin C.
    2. Vitamin B12 is needed for preventing or curing anaemia. This vitamin is usually found in animal protein, especially in meats such as kidney and liver. There are, however, other equally good sources of vitamin BI2 such as dairy products which also contain some B12.
    3. Honey is a excellent medicine to cure Anemia.Eating a spoon of Honey or taking Honey with milk twice a day will increase hemoglobin level as well as purify the blood.
    4. Dates (Khajur) or Dry Dates (chuara) are very helpful in increasing blood level and curing Anemia.
    5. The leaves of fenugreek help in blood formation. The cooked leaves should be taken by adolescent girls to prevent anaemia, which may occur due to the onset of puberty and menstruation. The seeds of fenugreek are also a valuable cure for anaemia, being rich in iron.
    6. Eating Almonds (Badam) everyday also helps to increase bloods and curing Anemia.
    7. As jaggery (Gur) is a good source of iron consume it more instead of sugar which definitely cures Anemia.
    8. Eating a Gooseberry (Amla)everyday also helps in improving in blood and curing Anemia as it is a good source of vitamin C> Also taking 3 spoons of Gooseberry juice with 3 spoons of pure Ghee for 21 days will definitely cures Anemia.
    9. Taking Beet root juice or raw Beet root is a excellent medicine for curing Anemia.
    10. Spinach ( palak) juice to Tomato juice taken everyday also helps in improving blood level and curing Anemia.
    11. Drinking Lemon water with Honey everyday also helps in improving blood level and curing Anemia.
    12. Eating a raw Onion or drinking raw onion juice everyday helps to cure Anemia.
    13. Taking 5 milliliter of Ginger juice with old Jaggery (Gur) everyday morning helps to cure Anemia.
    14. Pure cows Buttermilk mixed with sugar Candy (mishri) taken 3-4 times a day helps to cure Anemia problem.
    15. 250 milliliters of cow milk mixed with 10 gram of pure Ghee, 1 gram of Sugar, 5 gram of Honey, a pinch of Longer pepper (Pipple) and a pinch of Black pepper (Kali mirchi) taken everday for 2-3 weeks will definitely cure Anemia.
    16. Amirita (Gloy or Tinospora) stem chopped taken 20 gram, Black pepper 10 gram, Garlic 5 gram grinded together and taken around 3 gram with milk everyday morning cures
    17. Drinking Buttermilk (Chaach) made form goats milk for some days also helps to cure Anemia.
    18. Drinking Apple juice everyday for eating a Apple (which is a natural source of iron) everday helps in curing Anemia.
    19. Drinking Falsa (Grewiab subinaequalis) juice or eating falsa fruit is also a good remedy for curing Anemia.
    20. Soya been ,Ragi are also said to be very good for Anemia patients if taken in any form.

    21.   There are several other foods which are rich sources of iron and can be used beneficially in the treatment of anaemia. The more important of these are bananas, black grapes, plums, strawberries, raisins, onions, squash, carrots, radish, celery, and tomatoes.



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