Migraine is the term used to describe a severe pain in the head. This can be cause by the contraction or dilatation of blood vessels in the brain and the irregular nerve activity mainly in the meninges. Migraine is caused by the stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, which release a substance inducing inflammation and also send messages to pain receptors in the meninges.


Migraine occurs most often in women, due to fluctuations in the level of the hormone estrogen, that's the reason why women get migraines around the time of menstruation, when estrogen levels are low.

During pregnancy is also common to suffer migraines, specially during early pregnancy. The cause may be hormonal, but the headache can be due to excess tension too.


Causes of a Migraine;

There are myriad of causes that can trigger migraines. Common causes include:

·       Stress

·       Sleep disorders (or too little/too much sleep)

·       Fatigue

·       Caffeine

·       Smoking

·       High or low blood pressure

·       Birth control pills

·       Artificial sweeteners

·       Fasting for an extended period of time

·       Heredity

·       High salt consumption

·       Strong perfumes


Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Migraine Relief:

1.     Dip henna flowers in vinegar and then rub them against the forehead for quick pain relief.

2.     Primrose oil is an anti-inflammatory agent that keeps the blood vessels from constricting.

3.     Juice of ripe grapes is another good home remedy for migraine.

4.     You can prepare a juice that is effective in migraine relief. For this, take spinach juice along with beet and cucumber juice. You can go for equal quantity of each vegetable’s juice mixed together and take it as whole.

5.     The old therapy for treating migraine include cabbage leaf compress. For this, take few leaves of the vegetable and crush them. Place in a cloth and tie it over the forehead over the night. You can also do this during the day, if the circumstances permit. This will decrease the intensity of headache.

6.     Primrose oil is considered to be one of the best homemade for treating migraine. It is also potent anti-inflammatory agent that keeps the blood vessels from constricting.

7.     Garlic is potent detoxifier and also best for treating migraine. You can go for taking raw garlic and can also go for cooked garlic in various forms.

8.     Make a paste of freshly ground sandalwood and apply to the forehead, let it dry and rub off it by hand and wash it.


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