The immune system is the most important system of the body when it comes to preventing diseases; a weak immune system increases the chances of becoming ill with any type of infection. Many diseases are caused due to one common reason and that is low immunity.

The immune system resists first time attackers and also recognizes previous invaders. The immune system neutralizes or destroys the micro-organisms and the poisons they make wherever they attack. The immune system destroys disease producing elements with the help of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell originating in the bone marrow) and antibodies (complex blood protein molecules). Other vital organs that assist the immune system include: the spleen, thymus gland, tonsils, bone marrow and the network of capillaries and lymph vessels.

Low immunity implies weakening of the immune system. Low immunity also leads to lack of protection from illnesses and the body becomes more prone to develop life-threatening infections and cancers.


Symptoms of Low Immunity:

Ø  Chronic infections

Ø  Frequent colds and flu

Ø  Frequent cold sores or genital herpes

Ø  Sore or swollen lymph glands

Ø  Chronic infections

Ø  Getting sick too often and Feeling tired and exhausted

Causes of Low Immunity:

Emotional state, stress, lifestyle, dietary habits and nutritional intake can impact the immune system. Low immunity can be caused by a number of conditions, surgical or medical treatments or due to age. Either of these conditions can reduce the ability of the immune system and cause serious infections.

Low immunity can also be due to age as immunity lowers with age. Immunity is also low among children and among pregnant women.


Home Remedies for Low Immunity:

1.        You can prepare your own immunity booster drink – take 2 cups of water along with one tsp of Echinacea root and ½ tsp of chamomile leaves. You can also add ½ tsp of peppermint leaves in that. Prepare a drink out of these ingredients and have it once in a day regularly. This brings your immunity level up. This is one of the best home remedies for low immunity.

2.        Vitamin C is the key to boost your immunity. Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells, which are very useful in fighting with any kind of diseases. Tomatoes, lemon, amla, papaya, potatoes, strawberries are few of the things that are rich source of vitamin C. Make it a point to include maximum amount of vitamin C in your diet.

3.        Proteins and carbohydrates play an equally important role in boosting the immune system. Milk is rich source of both proteins and carbohydrates.

4.        Drinking milk everyday twice is also effective way of boosting the immune levels. Have milk with your breakfast and also once again before going to bed. Apart from this include milk products in your diet.

5.        Yogurt is also very effective in building the immune system. Like vitamin C, yogurt also increases the production of white blood cells. Have yogurt with your meals. Yogurt will boost your immune system and will give you good health. It will keep the common cold and fever away.

6.        Blueberries are very effective in fighting with the diseases like heart diseases and cancer. These berries are also useful in treating the urinary tract problems. Drinking juice of fresh blueberry on a daily basis is one of the very effective home remedies for low immunity.

7.        Broccoli is also effective in boosting the immune system. Broccoli helps in fighting with serious diseases like skin cancer, ulcer, heart diseases and stomach cancer, etc. Include broccoli in your diet and increase your immune system.

8.        Make powder of flax seeds and take about three grams of it in a bowl. Add sesame seeds about three grams, paste of two almonds and honey into it. Taking this mixture early morning on an empty stomach will boost your immunity level. It is also effective if you will just add some flax seeds and sesame seeds to your morning breakfast and eat it.

9.        Astragalus root are also useful in building the immune system, as they increase the production of white blood cells. Many people make paste of astragalus root and eat it to treat their cold and flu.

10.    Gotu kola is one of the best home remedies for low immunity power. For this, one can go for any gotu kola preparation available in herbal store.

11.    Ginseng is another powerful immunity booster. There are pills and capsules in which ginseng is as main ingredient. Go for these pills under medical supervision. This is one of the best home remedies for low immunity.

12.    Some Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Guduchi, Gokshura, Aamlaki and Shilajit are considered as good immunity booster. You can either go for single herb or can get the combination of above drugs.

13.    Milk is considered as immunity booster in Ayurveda. Take glassful of milk with little sugar at bedtime. This will improve your immunity and is also considered as one of the good home remedies for low immunity.

14.    Breathing techniques like ‘Pranayama’ is now considered to be one of the excellent methods to restore your energy level and to boost up your immunity.

15.    Garlic and ginger are considered to be best for immunity boosting in Ayurveda. You can take cooked garlic and raw ginger or both of them as raw. Include them in your regular diet. This will improve your immunity level. One has to keep in mind that both of them will give trouble if a person is suffering from hyperacidity.

16.    Spirulina is another good drug to increase the immunity power. This can be taken as a pill available in the market.

17.    One Ayurvedic preparation called ‘Chyavanprash’ is said to be best immunity builder. This can be taken 2 tbsp twice or thrice a day. This is one of the simple and good home remedies for low immunity.

18.    Green tea is also one of the best immunity builder and been used in practice since years especially in south East Asian regions. This is one of the good and simple home remedies for low immunity.

19.    Yebra met is another good home remedy for low immunity levels. This can be either taken as available in the capsule form or can go for the yebra met bags available in the market.

20.    Certain vegetables belonging to the Cabbage family like – cauliflower, radish, turnip, broccoli and turnip are said to be immunity boosters and should be include in daily diet.

21.    Fresh vegetables, fruits, beans and seeds are great immunity boosters. They are to be included in daily diet.

22.    Reduce refined sugar, flour in your diet. They tend to lower down your immunity levels.

23.    Prepare immunity boosting juice – take carrots, peel them well, add Indian gooseberry, ginger, beetroots and pinch of rock salt. Crush them well to make a juice. This is one of the best home remedies for increasing immunity.


Suggestion for Low Immunity:

To derive an ideal immune function adequate intake of water and exercise is a prerequisite apart from a good diet. Here are some important aspects that can help you keep low immunity at bay:

Ø  Intake of Water: Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water per day to boost the immune system and flush out toxins.

Ø  Exercise: Regular exercise every day for at least 30 minutes by walking or aerobics is a good way to keep the body active and reduce susceptibility to diseases. It is also advisable to perform deep breathing and relaxation exercises.

Ø  De-stress: It is advisable to engage in de-stressing activities such as hobby classes, shopping etc. to avoid stress affecting your system.

Ø  Lifestyle and Dietary Habits: A faulty lifestyle and incorrect dietary habits can harm your system. Protect your body and the immune system by following a healthy lifestyle and a nutritional diet.


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