Menstruation (menses) or Menopause or cessation is the monthly discharge of the inner lining of the uterus, in a woman. It is a normal event which occurs in the mid or late forties. This cessation of menses is known as menopause and it signifies the end of the reproductive period of a female's life.


Symptoms and Causes of Menstruation Disorders

Some of the symptoms are hot flushes, night sweats, tension, insomnia, diminished interest in sex, irritability, depression, fatigue, palpitations, dizziness, headaches, numbness, Lack of a normal hormonal balance and Severe backache, due to thinning of bones

These may be causes for Menstruation Disorders are Autoimmune Disorder, Chromosomal irregularity, Radiation therapy/ chemotherapy, Family history of disorder and Viral infections


Home Remedy for Menstruation Disorder

·         Beet juice has been found very useful in menopausal disorders. It should be taken in small quantities of 60 to 90 ml at a time, thrice a day.

·         Carrot seeds have also been found valuable in menopausal tension. A teaspoon of the seeds should be boiled in a glass of cow's milk for about ten minutes. Strain the milk and throw away the seeds. Consume this milk once in a day as medicine in the treatment of this condition.

·         Liquorice is an effective home remedy to alleviate menopausal problems. Liquorices contains the natural female hormone, estrogen, and can, to some degree, compensate for the diminished hormone. One teaspoon of the powder should be taken daily.

  • Indian spikenard is valuable in treating menopausal tension. It should be given in small doses of 2 gm daily. It will smoothen the nervous system and induces tranquility of the mind.


Diet for MenstruationDisorders

  • During menopause, lack of ovarian hormones can result in severe calcium deficiency so Increase the consumption of vitamin D as Vitamin D is essential for assimilation of calcium.. Some of the foods rich in vitamin D are beef, bread, cheese, eggs, milk and breakfast cereal.
  • The diet for a female suffering from menopausal disorder must include fruits, nuts, vegetables, sprouted seeds, alfalfa, soybeans, cabbage and olive oil. All of them provide relief from menopausal problems.
  • All processed, refined, and denatured foods should be completely eliminated.
  • Avoid Mental & Emotional Stresses, especially worries.
  • Exercising regularly reduces the symptoms of menopausal disorder, solving the problem to quite an extent.
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